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  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2014): Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts. 2nd ed. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing Ltd.; San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2014): A New Day for Sustainability. Strategic Finance, July: 25‒33.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, YUTHAS, Kristi (2015): Managing Social, Environmental and Financial Performance Simultaneously. Long Range Planning 48: 35-45.


  • SLAPNIČAR, Sergeja, REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2014): Identifying Temporal Relationships within Multidimensional Performance Measurement. Journal of Business Economics and Management (In Press).


  • REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, ZAMAN GROFF, Maja (2012): Contemporary Performance Measurement Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A Synthesis of Empirical Literature. Journal for East European Management Studies, 17(1): 68‒103. 


  • EPSTEIN Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, YUTHAS, Kristi (2010):
    Why Nike Kicks Butt in Sustainability, Organizational Dynamics, 39(4): 353‒356.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2010): Solving the Sustainability Implementation Challenge, Organizational Dynamics, 39(4): 306‒315.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, YUTHAS, Kristi (2010): Implementing Sustainability: The Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture. Strategic Finance, April: 41‒47.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2009): Performance Measurement of Not-for-profit Organizations, (Management Accounting Guideline). Mississauga (Canada): The Society of Management Accountants of Canada; New York: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2009): Measuring Performance of IT Investments: Implementing the IT Contribution Model. Advances in Management Accounting, Bingley: Emerald, 17: 43‒79.  


  • PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, LISJAK, Monika, REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, ŠTEMBERGAR, Mateja  (2008): Identifying and Exploiting the Inter-relationships between Technological and Marketing Capabilities. Long Range Planning, 41(5): 530‒554.


  • REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana, SLAPNIČAR, Sergeja (2007): The Role of Balanced, Strategic, Cascaded and Aligned Performance Measurement in Enhancing Firm Performance. Economic and Business Review, 9(1): 47‒78.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2006): What's in IT for You (and Your Company)? Journal of Accountancy, 201(4): 69‒75.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2006): The Reporting of Organizational Risks for Internal and External Decision-making (Management Accounting Guideline, Management, strategy, measurement). Mississauga (Canada): The Society of Management Accountants of Canada; New York: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


  • EPSTEIN, Marc J., REJC BUHOVAC, Adriana (2005): Identifying, Measuring, and Managing Organizational Risks for Improved Performance (Management Accounting Guideline, Management strategy measurement). Mississauga (Canada): The Society of Management Accountants of Canada; New York: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

© 2014 by Adriana Rejc Buhovac.

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